First things first. Dman is me. I am Dman. What does Dman mean? It is short for "the man". This name originated a few years ago when I was playing Final Fantasy for the NES. The fields for character names are only 4 characters long in that game. I wanted to be "the man" so I entered Dman for short. I am also known by the name Scott Kessler.

About Me

I am a 23 year old caucasian male with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I am 6 feet 3 inches tall, and I weigh about 210 pounds. I recently graduated (with university honors) from Wingate University in North Carolina. I double majored in Mathematics and Computer Science with a 3.83 GPA, but I had a 4.0 in my major. I also ran cross country for 4 years, and I received the Most Valuable Runner award my sophomore year (after that I got lazy:)

I spent a year of graduate school at North Carolina State University in the Mathematics department as a Teaching Assistant (TA for short). My assessment of the whole TA thing is that teaching is not for me. I was actually rated very highly by my students, but I would rather go bald and become impotent than spend another year teaching. That being the case I decided to get a job! I am now a professional programmer who is kind of a jack of all trades. I mostly write C/C++ programs although I do occasionally write database utilities in Visual Basic. Programming is really a great job to have because it's fun, the hours are flexible, and the pay is awesome!

In my free time (what free time?), I am usually either playing or programming video games. In fact, I am playing or programming video games even when I need to be studying or doing homework! I own a NES with 55 classic games that I still play quite often, a SNES with 45 games (whew!), a Super and regular Gameboy with 12 games, a Jaguar with 6 games, a Playstation with 22 games, a Virtual Boy with 3 games, and (drum roll) a Nintendo 64 with 13 games.

Well, if you want to know more about me, e-mail me at sdkess@geocities.com

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